Josh Black

The Observable

Dive deep into Observables, how they work, and how to build your own

10 min read

Observables are one of those funny things in the JavaScript community where you either are pretty aware of the ecosystem (often through RxJS) or honestly have never heard of one before reading a random blog post or post on Twitter about it.

I was very much so in the latter camp. I had heard a bit about observables, thought they were related to the Object.observe proposal from way back when, and didn't really know if there was a good use-case for an Observable in my day-to-day work with React or Node.js.

At the end of the day, an Observable is just another tool in your toolkit and it can be incredibly helpful for modeling certain types of problems. It also isn't too bad to put together an implementation for your own project to better understand how it works under the hood.

In this post, let's take a look at what it takes to build a minimal version of an Observable.

Building an Observable

At it's core, an Observable is a function. This function takes in a single argument, an object often called an observer, and uses this object to send roughly three types of events:

  •, give the observer the next value in the sequence
  • observer.complete(), tell the observer that the sequence is completed and no new values will be sent
  • observer.error(error), tell the observer that an error has occurred, this will also stop sending more values

Here's a countdown function that roughly uses this contract:

function countdown(observer) {;;;

We could then call this function with an observer and receive the values from the countdown and when the countdown is completed.

  next(value) {
    console.log(value); // Receives 3, then 2, then 1
  complete() {

And that's, well, kind of it. We will definitely be adding more functionality to this, but at its core this is an Observable. Everything we do after this will build on this fundamental example.

With this example we have:

  • A way to create an Observable (through our countdown function)
  • A way to subscribe to an observable (through calling the function with an observer)
  • A way to emit multiple values over time (through
  • A way to signal completion or errors (through observer.error or observer.complete)

For bonus points, we can make this Observable emit values synchronously or asynchronously:

function countdown(observer) {
  let count = 3;
  let intervalId = null;
  intervalId = setInterval(() => {
    if (count === 0) {
  }, 1000);

And the best part is that we don't have to change any of our code for subscribing to this Observable, although now we have to worry about cleaning up some things like timers.

Formalizing things a bit

First up, let's formalize how we create and subscribe to an Observable.

We will use a class for creating our Observables, and each class will have a subscribe method. Each class will accept a "source", which is copy-and-pasted from our countdown function above. Similarly, we "subscribe" to our Observable in the same way we called countdown above.

class Observable {
  constructor(source) {
    this.source = source;
  subscribe(observer) {

We can use this class to re-create our Countdown Observable and subscribe to it:

// The callback given to our Observable class is our "source" function
const Countdown = new Observable((observer) => {;;;
// Subscribing to our Observable is similar to how we called
// the "countdown" function above
  next(value) {
  complete() {

This is looking like a great start. Let's try making another Observable using this code.

Building a counter

We mentioned above that Observables can emit values synchronously or asynchronously so let's take advantage of that to build a counter. This counter will start at zero, counting upwards by one every second.

const Counter = new Observable((observer) => {
  let count = 0;
  setInterval(() => {;
  }, 1000);

We can subscribe to this Observable using subscribe:

  next(value) {
    console.log(value); // 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

However, our counter will keep going on and on for as long as the program is running. What happens if we want to stop subscribing to values?

Canceling a subscription

We can update our class definition from above to have subscribe return a Subscription. A Subscription in this case is an object that provides an unsubscribe function, and calling this function would "cancel" the subscription that was created.

interface Subscription {
  unsubscribe: () => void;
class Observable {
  constructor(source) {
    this.source = source;
  subscribe(observer): Subscription {
    const subscription = {
      unsubscribe() {
        // What goes here?
    return subscription;

And then in our Counter code we could use the returned subscription to unsubscribe.

const subscription = Counter.subscribe({
  next(value) {
// Unsubscribe from Counter, stop receiving values
// in `next`

But what exactly should we be doing when we call unsubscribe in our subscribe method? Really, we're after two things:

  • How do we "close" our observable and tell it to stop sending values through "next"
  • How do we give our observable source a way to clean-up things like timers when something unsubscribes from the subscription

Rethinking subscribe

Our first step to tackle the two questions above will be to figure out how to remember if our subscription has been closed. We can use this information to stop the observable source from calling "next".

class Observable {
  // --- snip ---
  subscribe(observer): Subscription {
    // Keep track of whether the subscription has been closed
    // in a local variable
    let closed = false;
    const subscription = {
      // When `unsubscribe` is called, set `closed` to `true`
      unsubscribe() {
        if (!closed) {
          closed = true;
    return subscription;

We this change, we use the local variable closed and set it to true whenever subscription.unsubscribe is called. But how do we use this to stop our source function from calling next on the observer?

In reality, there isn't much we can do to change when source calls next. H owever, we can intercept values that it sends to the observer and choose whether or not to forward them along.

In other words, let's define something called a Sink. This will have the exact same shape as our observer, but will include logic for whether or not to share values emitted from the source with the observer.

class Observable {
  // --- snip ---
  subscribe(observer): Subscription {
    // Keep track of whether the subscription has been closed
    // in a local variable
    let closed = false;
    const subscription = {
      // When `unsubscribe` is called, set `closed` to `true`
      unsubscribe() {
        if (!closed) {
          closed = true;
    // Our Sink matches the signature of observer, but adds
    // in logic for determining if we should call observer
    // based on if the subscription is closed
    const sink = {
      next(value) {
        if (!closed) {
      error(err) {
        if (!closed) {
          closed = true;
      complete() {
        if (!closed) {
          closed = true;
    return subscription;

With this change, now we can call subscription.unsubscribe and it will stop our observer from receiving any additional values 🎉

However, we still need to figure out our clean-up step. In particular, when we cancel our Counter subscription how will we cancel any pending timers that currently exist?

Rethinking our Observable source

When defining our Observable source, let's formalize it by saying that a Source is a function that takes in a Sink and either returns nothing or a function that is run to "clean-up" the source.

interface Source {
  (sink): void | (() => void);

We can then use this definition to update our Counter Observable:

const Counter = new Observable((observer) => {
  let count = 0;
  let intervalId = null;
  intervalId = setInterval(() => {;
  }, 1000);
  return () => {

This update has our source return a function where we clear the active interval that we have. However, now we have to update our subscribe method to take advantage of this clean-up function.

class Observable {
  // --- snip ---
  subscribe(observer): Subscription {
    // Keep track of our clean-up function in
    // a local variable
    let cleanup = null;
    let closed = false;
    // Helper function to make sure cleanup is run
    // only once
    function runCleanup() {
      if (cleanup) {
        cleanup = null;
    const subscription = {
      unsubscribe() {
        if (!closed) {
          closed = true;
    const sink = {
      next(value) {
        if (!closed) {
      error(err) {
        if (!closed) {
          closed = true;
      complete() {
        if (!closed) {
          closed = true;
    cleanup = this.source(sink);
    return subscription;

And that's it! We added support for a clean-up function by tracking it with the local variable cleanup, and whenever we "close" our subscription we call runCleanup to make sure that this function is called once, and only once.

Wrapping up

So there we have it. We made an Observable class that supports creating and subscribing to Observables. It's definitely not complete yet, and you'll find way more robust implementations in libraries like RxJS, but I hope it was helpful to learn some of the core concepts that go into building this primitive.

If you're curious about more formal definitions for the topics that were touched on in this post, definitely check-out the appendix below!



Here are some of the formal types for the concepts talked about in this post

interface Subscription {
  unsubscribe: () => void;
// In the appendix, you'll see types here annotated as generic
// types over T. T in this case is a placeholder for whatever
// the value is that the Observable emits in `next`
interface Sink<T> {
  next: (value: T) => void;
  error: (err: Error) => void;
  complete: () => void;
// Unlike in our post, Source includes Subscription as a return type.
// This is helpful when working with operators or higher
// order observables
interface Source<T> {
  (sink: Sink<T>): void | Subscription | (() => void);
// We did not really touch on this in the post, but an observer
// does not have to provide every method we talked about. More
// often than not, it will only include one or two instead of
// all of them.
type Observer<T> = {
  next?: (value: T) => void;
  error?: (err: Error) => void;
  complete?: () => void;


export class Observable<T> {
  _source: Source<T>;
  constructor(source: Source<T>) {
    this._source = source;
  subscribe(observer: Observer<T>): Subscription {
    return subscribe(this._source, observer);
function subscribe<T>(source: Source<T>, observer: Observer<T>): Subscription {
  let cleanup = null;
  let closed = false;
  const subscription = {
    unsubscribe() {
      if (!closed) {
        closed = true;
  const sink: Sink<T> = {
    next: (value) => {
      if (!closed && {;
    error: (error) => {
      if (!closed) {
        if (observer.error) {
    complete: () => {
      if (!closed) {
        closed = true;
  cleanup = source(sink);
  function runCleanup() {
    if (cleanup) {
      if (cleanup.unsubscribe) {
      } else {
      cleanup = null;
  return subscription;